“Springing” into Another Year of MINI Motoring

Thanks to everyone for participating this past Saturday in our EIM “Spring has Sprung” Meet-n-Eat in Cedar Rapids. The great weather and excellent food and drink at the Granite City Food and Brewery brought out the MINI faithful in large numbers and a good time was certainly had by all. It was also great fun to head over to Speedeez Indoor Karting after lunch and get the competitive juices flowing!

Special thanks to Louanne & Phil N. for making the arrangements for our gathering — much appreciated. Additional thanks to the MINI of Des Moines representatives headed up by long-time EIM associate Jake M. for their presence and for bringing along the new electric MINI Countryman for our viewing and (gentle) tire-kicking.

Feel free to check out the photos from this event in our Photo Gallery. You may access them directly using the following link:

EIM “Spring has Sprung” Meet-n-Eat, Cedar Rapids, 3-23-19

Our first drive of the year is the Border Skirmish on April 27th. See you there!

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