Mission Accomplished

After being forced to postpone the traditional April Skirmish (due to snow on 4/27!) Mother Nature finally relented and gifted us with fantastic weather for the 12th EIM Border Skirmish Drive held on 6/8. Our drive began at the scenic overlook in Marquette and transited north along the Mississippi River and through the twisty roads of Wisconsin bluff country to a superb lunch and visit at the Shrine of our Lady of Guadelupe just south of La Crosse. We returned south through the southeast Minnesota bluffs and curves to our final destination of Decorah and a great capstone stop at the world famous Toppling Golieth Brewery. It ended up being a highly successful and victorious three-state skirmish. The excellent motoring was worth the wait!

Thanks to all who came out and joined us for this drive. Special thanks to the long-distance participants, most notably Jeff and Sue N. who came up from Ottumwa, Greg B. who came over from Des Moines, and Pete N. and co-pilot Andre from the far reaches of Bolingbrook, IL.

Photos from this event may be found in our Photo Gallery and are directly accessible using the following link:

12th EIM Border Skirmish Drive, Marquette to Decorah, 6-8-19

Look for a lunch GTG in the Iowa City area in early July, followed by our group’s adventure to Salida, CO and MITM 2019!

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