Colorado Mountain Motoring Adventures

EIM recently participated in a fantastic trip to Salida, Colorado and the surrounding mountains and high plains as part of MINIs in the Mountains 2019, the annual event hosted by the MINI5280 club out of Denver. Salida proved to be a wonderful venue and a jumping off point for lots of Rocky Mountain fun. Our motoring included excursions west to Blue Mesa Lake National Rec Area, the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, and Montrose; south to the Great Sand Dunes National Park (pictured above), and north to Leadville, Climax, and Fremont Pass. Our EIM headquarters at the Creekside Chalets on the slopes of Monarch Mountain was a superb retreat each day and the site of some great home-cooked meals. Our group explored a lot of ground during our stay and we enjoyed countless great sights, roads, restaurants, and adventures.

Photos from this event may be found in our Photo Gallery and are directly accessible using the following link:

EIM at MINIs in the Mountains 2019, Salida, CO, 7-24-19 to 7-28-19

Hope you can join us for the Gays Mills Apple Run on 9/14!

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